few hours ago, the former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode, also known as FFK, took to his social page and said that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, will rather blow up the entire world than allow Russians to become economic slaves to other nations. Femi Fani Kayode said that the biggest mistake that the Americans and Europeans are making is that they are trying to shrink the Russian economy through "strong sanctions" and "new limitations". Femi Fani Kayode added that you can not put a nation in poverty that has more nuclear weapons than any other country except for America. Femi Fani Kayode, however, said that a man who has a loaded gun and whose finger is on the nuclear button should not be humiliated. Stressing that Putin will rather destroy the entire world than see his people become the economic slaves to other nations. According to Femi Fani Kayode, he said: "The biggest mistake the Americans and Europeans are making is to try to bring Russia to her knees financially and economically through "strong sanctions" and "new limitations". You do not try to impoverish and break a nation that has more nuclear weapons than any other apart from the United States. You do not try to humiliate and pauperize a man who has a loaded gun and whose finger is on the nuclear button. Putin will rather blow up the entire world than allow his people to become economic slaves and financial paupers. The Russians are the most dogged and resilient fighters on earth. History proves that. The world needs to handle this whole Ukraine issue with wisdom, restraint, and care". Looking at what Femi Fani Kayode said, he believes that Vladimir Putin will do anything possible not to allow Russians to become the economic slaves to other nations.



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